HITPOINT.CZ is organizing a big gaming event including a Quake Live DUEL tournament on 22.-24.11. in Brno, Czech Republic. We are offering 4 slots for European players outside of Czech Republic. So far we have invited the following Czech and Slovak players:
Artem „Needy“ Černý
Martin „Brejk“ Nepraš
Robert „oSKino“ Porubský
Vladimír „tyfoon“ Pikna
Martin „nekvic“ Nentvich
Ondřej „Kooki“ Nechvátal
Tomáš „Dloob“ Pešina
Dominik „shr3k“ Konsbul
- There is NO ENTRY FEE for the players.
- location : Brno Exhibition Centre (How to get to the venue)
- schedule: Group Stage: Saturday 23.11. Playoffs: Sunday 24.11.
- number of players: 16 (8 to Playoffs)
The prizes are provided by the partner of the event ASUS.
1st place: ASUS ROG G750JH (1 800 €)
2nd place: ASUS RAIDR Express SSD 240GB (310 €)
3rd place: ASUS R9270X-DC2T-2GD5 (
- Send your applications to Monday 11.11. 23:59 CET
- The qualifier will be played on this Tuesday 12 November 2013 from 18:00 CET.
- Check-in @QuakeNet #hitpoint.cz
- Single Elimination tournament for 16 players. All matches will be Bo5.
- Top 4 players will be invited to participate at the LAN event in Brno.
- If there’s under 8 signed up players after the deadline we’ll pick 4 of the signed up players ourselves.
The map list is the same as for DreamHack Winter 2013. Aerowalk, Blood Run, Lost World, Toxicity, Cure, Sinister, Furious Heights
- We are removing the ELO restriction. However we’ll decide which players will get seeded.
- The tournament is designed for up and coming players and Czech scene.
- We are keeping the right to decide which player will get invited to the event in special circumstances.
- Please do not send you application if you know you would not be able to travel to the event.
- We are willing to help fund the travel costs by 40€ per player.
Sent your applications and questions to the following email address : michal.horak(at)hitpoint.cz Use the bellow template:
- Real name
- Nickname
- Country
- Link to your QL profile.
Hitpoint.cz is a gaming organization with experiences of hosting Czech esport events in Quake Live and StarCraft for the past three years. Here is a little sneak peak at our last Quake and StarCraft National League.